BONTANG – Badak LNG not only focuses on maintaining refinery reliability and operational safety, but also environmental sustainability and community development by creating social innovation.

This year, through the Menara Marina CSR program (Towards Environmentally Friendly, Independent and Prosperous Fishermen) Badak LNG took the initiative to answer the need for environmentally friendly seaweed buoys that also function as navigation aids in the waters around Tihi-Tihi Village, Bontang Lestari Village.

All residents in Tihi-Tihi Village earn their living as fishermen and 70% of them also work as seaweed farmers. In their activities, they use plastic bottles as floats for seaweed cultivation. The number is quite fantastic, namely around 500-1000 plastic bottles used every 3-6 months.

“The number of plastic bottles we use for seaweed floats can sometimes reach 500, even 1000 bottles. Then the bottle is replaced with a new one every 5-6 months. Even if it is damaged, it needs to be replaced within 1 month,” said Muslimin, Head of RT 17 Kampung Tihi-Tihi, in his statement (26/9).

One of the reasons why plastic bottle floats need to be replaced every 3-6 months is because they do not last long in sea waters. It can even become brittle and destroyed due to extreme heat. This is certainly not environmentally friendly because it can cause microplastics. Apart from that, transparent plastic bottles are also vulnerable to being hit by ship propellers because they are not clearly visible to passing ships. So it can cause social conflict.

Badak LNG initiated an alternative to plastic bottles, namely Kapsurula (Environmentally Friendly Seaweed Floating Capsules). This tool was created as a solution to this problem.

Kapsurula is made from non-B3 Polyurethane waste. Currently, Kapsurula is produced by the people of Tihi-Tihi Village under the guidance of CSR Badak LNG. This tool replaces the conventional method of using plastic bottles in seaweed cultivation.

Yuli Gunawan, Sr. Manager, Corporate Communication & General Support Badak LNG, said that the advantage of this new breakthrough is the durability of the equipment. Kapsurula’s durability is estimated at 15 years. This can certainly reduce the use of plastic waste. Kapsurula also serves as a navigation route for seaweed areas and sea transportation by painting it so that it appears on the surface of the ocean.

“With the emergence of this new breakthrough, it is a real form of Badak LNG’s commitment to maintaining environmental ecosystems in the ocean and also empowering communities so that it helps support aspects of the sustainable development goals (SDGs),” said Yuli.