JAKARTA – Badak LNG won the Oil and Gas Safety Sector Award in the No Loss of Working Hours Due to Accident Category at the Subroto Award which was held on Friday (29/9), at the Kempinski Grand Ballroom. This award is the highest award given by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources to stakeholders who have advanced the energy and mineral resources sector in Indonesia in the past year.
From year to year this sector has an important role in the national economy and improves people’s welfare. In the midst of post-pandemic recovery conditions, the performance of the ESDM sector is starting to recover and show improvement.
The Award in the Field of Oil and Gas Safety was received by Badak LNG Director & COO Teten Hadi Rustendi. This award was given to Badak LNG for its commitment to implementing the Oil and Gas Safety Management System (SMKM) consistently and continuously so that it can maintain the achievement of safe Lost Time Incident (LTI) working hours for 16 years.
SMKM itself is part of the overall company management system in the context of controlling risks related to oil and gas safety in order to create reliable, safe, efficient and productive oil and gas business activities. Teten hopes that this achievement will be a motivation for all Badak LNG employees to continue to maintain and improve safety culture and work productivity.
“Alhamdulillah, this year Badak LNG has again won the Subroto Award from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources in the No Loss of Working Hours category. Thank you to all colleagues who continue to work together to always work safely so that from 2006 until now we can maintain safe working hours. Hopefully winning this award can be a motivation for all friends to continue to improve safe work practices,” said Teten.
In carrying out refinery operations, Badak LNG is always committed to prioritizing safety aspects. Various efforts have been made from engineering, administration, to monitoring implementation from various lines to ensure that risks in carrying out activities can be minimized as small as possible.
To date, Badak LNG has achieved more than 124 million safe working hours. Apart from that, Badak LNG also remains consistent in fulfilling regulatory and standard requirements such as ISO 45001:2018 certification regarding occupational health and safety management systems (SMK3), PP No. 50 of 2012 concerning the implementation of SMK3 and SUPREME. This is also proof of the company’s ability to provide a safe and comfortable work environment.
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