JAKARTA – Badak LNG and PT Bureau of Classification of Indonesia (Persero) or BKI as the parent holding BUMN Survey Services or IDSurvey signed a Head of Agreement (HOA) conducted by President Director & CEO of Badak LNG Gema Iriandus Pahalawan with Director of Operations BKI R. Benny Susanto. The points of agreement contained in the HoA include cooperation in the field of BKI class ship surveys, human resource development, and commercial services owned by BKI. This agenda was carried out as a follow-up to the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Badak LNG and BKI on June 9, 2023 in Bontang.
Gema Iriandus Pahalawan, President Director & CEO of Badak LNG, hopes that in the future there will be more opportunities for cooperation between the two parties. “Of course we hope that we can both carry out tasks according to their respective responsibilities. Our task is also as a BUMN family to work together. So far, maybe we think that synergy is only in the needs of one party, but I hope we can do more than that, we can create a win-win solution. At Badak LNG, there are many expertises that are well-known abroad, but there is still no repercussion at home. We hope that cooperation with BKI can bring better things,” said Gema in his statement (14/7).
In addition to signing the HoA, workshops or discussions were also held regarding cooperation opportunities related to TIC (testing, inspection, certification) service support to support the operations of the LNG liquefaction and distribution business.
Benny Susanto, Operations Director of BKI appreciates the synergy with Badak LNG which he believes can provide benefits to all parties. “We must also support this by providing assurance on the quality of the work provided, this is also important as proof of the importance of synergy between SOEs as what BKI did with Badak LNG. This step must be able to provide added value both in terms of efficiency and other aspects, “said Benny.
Operating for 48 years, Badak LNG has received various technical services and training from various world LNG refineries. These services include the Operations & Maintenance Services program, which is a service to assist LNG companies in operating refineries. Second, assisting the operation of new refineries through the Commissioning & Start-Up Assistance (CSUA) program. Third, providing training to prepare and produce professional experts in the LNG industry. The newest program, Badak LNG has completed the Oil & Gas Maintenance Training Program training for trainees from Timor GAP which lasted for nine months.(RI)
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